Yalda Rebling

Hazzan Jalda Rebling

Topics of this page
Who is our cantor?
Upcoming workshops with our cantor

Who is our cantor?

Our cantor Jalda Rebling is one of the founders of Ohel Hachidusch and the heart and center of our group. Her cantorial engagement for Ohel Hachidusch is of honorary nature. Besides being a wonderful cantor she is a competent and patient teacher and counsellor who understands her work in the tradition of the maggidim, explaining the incidents of daily life through parables and religious stories. We are grateful to have her.


Who is Hazzan Jalda Rebling?

Jalda was born in Amsterdam/Netherlands as a daughter of Holocaust survivors. When she was 2 years old her family moved to East Berlin to realize their futile dream of building up a truly socialist society. Cantor Jalda grew up in a musical familiy: her mother, Lin Jaldati, was a famous interpreter of Yiddish songs.  Her father, a pianist, conducted the Academy of Music and her sister is a professional violinist.


About cantor Jalda´s professional life:

Jalda Rebling was ordained as a cantor in January 2007 by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Schalomi,  Rabbi Marcia Prager and Hazzan Jack Kessler . 21 more rabbis and cantors signed her smicha. She is a member of OHALAH, an international and transdenominational union of rabbis and cantors. http://www.ohalah.org, http//:www.aleph.org

Cantor Jalda gave workshops in Jewish congregations and chavuroth all over Germany as well as in the USA, Holland, Norway and Sweden. She had a lectureship at the Fachhochschule (university of applied sciences) of Erfurt teaching Jewish social workers and also taught at the Hebrew Union College in New York, in Elat Chayyim Upstate New York and at the University of Colorado.

Cantor Jalda was one of the leaders of the Learner´s Minyan in the Synagogue Oranienburgerstrasse in Berlin.

Furthermore, Jalda Rebling is very much engaged in interconfessional dialogue: she held lectureships at the Hans-Seidel-Stiftung/Munich and other non-Jewish organizations as well as being frequently invited to workshops and speeches with interconfessional context.

Jalda Rebling was the first female Jewish cantor who, together with Rabbi Lynn Feinberg, led Shabbat Services and read the Torah in public in a Norwegian synagogue of Trondheim.

In 2007 Jalda Rebling was the first woman to lead the High Holiday Services in Lund/Sweden. She officiated there several years on Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur.

In 2010 and 2011 she led the High Holiday Services in the Shir Tikvah Community of Troy/Michigan, USA and also conducted various workshops in this congregation.

Since 2012 Cantor Jalda is leading the High Holiday Services in Exeter/ England.


What does Jalda Rebling teach?

Here are some examples of Hazzan Jalda´s workshops:

Jewish History in Stories and Songs:
In this weekend workshop the participants delve into Jewish life behind the historic context. How did people live their every day life? Were some of their music and songs passed on?
You´ll learn how and why many centuries-old Jewish traditions are part of modern Jewish life.

Jewish Holidays and the Jewish Calendar:
The Jewish Calendar is a lunar calendar unlike our secular solar calendar. How do we integrate our festivals in this eternal lunar renewal? Which songs do we sing? How do we celebrate? How do we mourn?

Jewish Spiritual Singing and Learning:
When your heart is almost bursting and your neshama -your soul- is overflowing, just sing.
When you do not have words for the feelings which paralyze heart and soul, just sing.
There are many stories about our ancestors telling us how they reached their true self by singing and meditating.
In this workshop we chant old and new Jewish songs together. We learn about ourselves what we knew all along but which was hidden.
You don´t believe that it works? Just try.

The Siddur - Structure-History- Possibilities and Chances
Did it happen to you already that you got lost in a siddur because you could not recognize its structure and pattern?
In this class of 11 units you´ll learn about history, structure and types of siddurim.

Women on the Bima:
Is it just a modern phenomenon that women learn Torah and Talmud in public?
In this seminar you learn amazing facts about Jewish history.

Jewish Women:
Biographies of forgotten Jewish women.

Reading the Torah -  leynen:
Torah leyning is Torah -telling or yiddish Toyre-telling.
What is the meaning of the tiny hooks and symbols in the TeNaCh which obviously are no vocalizations? And why should we modern people leyn the Torah in the traditional manner?
We discover what the holy letters want to teach us.

RaSCHI Salomon ben Issak from Troyes:
The legends about this great scholar of the medieval Ashkenas are impressing and confusing. They tell us much more intriguing and different stories than history books.

Nussach and Chasanut:
In this individual teaching cantor Jalda coaches layleaders and professionals who actively want to learn the musical structure of Jewish services. In this class which is also available for small groups you´ll learn how to configurate Shabbat or other Jewish festivals in your chavurah.

Besides workshops and classes cantor Jalda Rebling also offers individual professional attendance for special lifecycle-events like
baby-naming,  Bat/Bar Mitzwa, Chuppa, Levaya.

You may trustfully contact her under:

To avoid spam attacks the mail addresses are unlinked. Please replace [ät] by @.


You may also call Cantor Jalda at 0170-2725447.

You are welcome with all your questions.


Upcoming workshops and other events with Cantor Jalda:

Invitation to the 2012 Retreat of the European Academy for Jewish Learning (EAJL) in England
Invitation to the 2013 Retreat of the European Academy for Jewish Learning (EAJL) in England

18th Jewish Filmfestival  "Mehr Juden ins Kino"
Berlin und Potsdam 2012
4. - 17. Juni

© Produktion
Dokumentarfilm, Regie: Katinka Zeuner & Benjamin Laser, D 2012, 72 min (German)

Die Künstlerinnen Jalda Rebling und Anna Adam leben zusammen in Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg. Beide sind Töchter von Müttern, die aus Auschwitz zurückkehrten. Das prägte ihr Leben, ihr Judentum. Heute leben sie selbstbestimmt stolz und jüdisch in Deutschland. Der Flm begleitet sie. Er dokumentiert Annas Kunstprojekte wie z.B. den happy hippie jew bus, Jaldas Konzerte mit mittelalterlicher jüdischer Musik und die von ihnen gegründete egalitär-jüdische Gruppe. Er begleitet die ordinierte jüdische Kantorin Jalda bis nach Jerusalem, wo sie an der Conservative Yeshiva studiert und unterrichtet.

Gäste: FILMSTAB UND PROTAGONISTEN Jalda Rebling und Anna Adam

Ort: Eiszeit-Kino (Kino im Wrangelkiez)
Zeughofstrasse 20
Zeit: 17. Juni 2012/ 18.00 Uhr

Workshops and Concerts of cantor Jalda in 2013

January 14 - 16   :   Ohalah-Conference Boulder/Colorado
                            Renewal of Tehillim Workshop

February 2:             10:00 - 12:00 h  
                             Universum Kinocenter Landau
                             Screening Jalda&Anna followed by discussion
                             with the protagonists

March 2:                 19:00 h
                             Mechaje Theater Rostock
                             Concert with Paula Sell, accordion

March 4:                 19:00 h
                             ev.St Marienkirche Berlin  

March 12 - 15:         Happy Hippie Jewbus
                             Frauenmuseum Wiesbaden

April 5:                   Kabbalat Shabbat
                            Uilenburgsjoel Amsterdam
                            Bejt HaChidusj  

April 11:                 Jüdisches Museum Fürth
                            Rachel und der König
                            with Susanne Ansorg (fiddle)

April 12 - 13:           T´hillim - Psalms
                             in the Days of Omercounting
                             Workshop in Berlin - Gatow

May 9 - 12:             Limmudfestival Werbellinsee

June 6 - 9:              T´fillah Leaders Europe Retreat  
                             European Academy for Jewish Liturgy London UK

August 20 - 22:       Workshop T´hillim - Psalmen
                            Tagungshaus Laase

September 6 - 7:     Rosh Hashanah in Exeter Synagogue UK

September 12 - 13:  Yom Kippur in Exeter Synagogue UK

October 10:            19.30 h
                            Aula des Perleberger Gymnasium
                            Conzert with Franka Lampe
November 14:          Kirchenladen Aschaffenburg  
November 15 - 17:   Jewish Bible Reading   
                            Tagungszentrum Schmerlenbach

November 16:         Tehillim-Psalme-Illahi
                            with Maria Jonas & Ars Coralis Coeln
                                   and Miriam Amer  
                            Kloster Schmerlenbach  

November 17:         17:00 h
                           Abschlußkonzert Jüdisch-israelische Kulturtage
                           Neue Synagoge Erfurt
                           Mohn und Gedächtnis
                           with Franka Lampe, accordion and  
                           Burkhart Seidemann  

December 9:          Joschua ben Joseph w Miriam  
                           Jewish - Christian - Muslim Christmas tales
                           with Miriam Amer, Burkhart Seidemann and
                           Dietrich Petzold
                           in Backnang in der Ausstellung Weltethos


Please contact Cantor Jalda for up-to-date information on her workshops and other events at cantorjalda(ät)t-online.de.